Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rockin' Down the Highway 

When you take long road trips at one point or another you start to play stupid car games. My favorite is to position the the truck in the middle of my lane and then let go of the steering wheel. I count to see how long before my truck drifts across the lane lines. Oklahoma was such a place for those kind of games, it was wide open and somewhat featureless. I got bored quickly with that game. Lucky for me when I made the westward turn towards Amarillo at Oklahoma City this dude blew by me in black car with New Mexico plates. My second favorite game is case the speeder. For the next two hours I bird-dogged him as we flew across the pan handle at between 90 and 95 MPH.

For a bit of time in Oklahoma and Texas I was on the fabled Hwy 66. While it no longer exists in it's entirety, or even a minute fraction, it once was the main route between Chicago and LA. The old route 66 has been consumed by the interstate highway system (mainly Interstate 40)

The Palo Duro Canyons

Unbelievably awesome. I hit the park about 2 hours before sunset (9pm is sunset here). Driving up to it gave no hint of what was about to come. The land was flat and you could see the curvature of the earth then ... boom.  This gaping canyon unfolded. Thanks Lynn for a great trip idea!

 Look at those strata ... Gold and red interspersed by thin white layers. Ancient oceans drying up and depositing billions of dead sea creatures then covered over by the red clay, this repeated many times over millions of years. While I'm not a geologist I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night :-)

A sunset over the park. I will try to find this outcropping tomorrow.

Horny Toads and Devil Deer

The park also has lots living things. I think I saw an eagle soaring, it was huge. Unfortunatly the picture came out very blurry. But a few of the other snaps came out great.

La Grange (Texas)

Today I did about 500 miles. The route so far took me south to Oklahoma city and then a bang west to Amarillo, that's were I am now. Tomorrow after hiking some more in Palo Duro I'll head south west for about 5 hours into New Mexico and stop at Carlsbad Cavers to see the bats fly at sunset. I think I'm close to a trip total of 4500 miles so far. Today progress is in blue.

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