Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Tour by the numbers

Start:                          May 23, 2012
End:                            June 17, 2012
Days on road                26
Miles:                          7616
Fuel:                           268 gallons ($975)
Pictures posted:           129
Pictures taken:             ~2000

States driven:
  1. California
  2. Nevada
  3. Utah
  4. Colorado
  5. Nebraska
  6. Kansas
  7. Missouri
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Texas
  10. New Mexico
  11. Arizona
Parks visited:
  1. Bonneville Salt Flats
  2. Dinosaur National Monument
  3. Rocky Mountain National Park
  4. Pawnee Indian Lodge Excavation
  5. Palo Duro Canyon State Park
  6. Carlsbad Caverns National Monument
  7.  White Sands National Park
  8. Saguaro National Park
  9. Pima Air and Space Museum
  10. Grand Canyon National Park
  11. Salt River Park
The Best
  • Speed limits: Texas, even the back roads were 70MPH
  • License plates: New Mexico – cool colors, turquoise, red, yellow
  • Cops: Texas, I saw zero fuzz
  • Stress: Northern Kansas at the farm
  • City:  Phoenix Arizona, clean, new, uncrowded and the girls ;-)  
            Manhattan Kansas
    , awesome sushi
            Flagstaff Arizona, a big city in a small package
            Lubbock Texas, quirky
The Worst 
  • Speed limits: New Mexico, 4 lane divided rural freeway 45MPH
  • License plates: Oklahoma, some Indian dude with a bow 
  • Cops: Arizona, I saw dozens but they left me alone at 80MPH
  • Stress: LA, tense driving and the smog
  • City: Carlsbad New Mexico is a dirty little oil patch town
            LA county (Orange and Ventura are cool)

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